Front For Show, Back for Go


Front For Show, Back for Go

6 Sets

3:00 minute AMRAP

*Strict Pull-Ups

50ft (15m) Dual Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges
-Max Calorie Machine (Alternate Assault Bike/Row)

Rest 1:30 between sets

L1: 50/35
Strict Pull-Ups:

Round 1: 18/12
Round 2: 15/10
Round 3: 12/8
Round 4: 9/6
Round 5: 6/4
Round 6: 3/2

L2: 25/35

Strict Pull-Ups

Round 1: 15/10
Round 2: 12/8
Round 3: 9/6
Round 4: 7/5
Round 5: 6/4
Round 6: 5/3

L3: Bodyweight lunges

3:00 minute AMRAP

*Banded Strict Pull-Ups

Round 1: 15/11
Round 2: 13/10
Round 3: 11/8
Round 4: 9/6
Round 5: 7/5
Round 6: 5/3

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Saturday Partner WOD Teams of 2 Part 1: AMRAP 12 Min, trade movements 200m run 20 V-Ups 10 DB S2OH 5 Dball squats 1 Rope


Friday Part 1: Weightlifting Every 2:00 minutes, 6 Sets 2 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk Starting @ 70% and increasing by feel