
Part 1: Strength

Push Press

Every 2:00 minutes, 6 Sets

Set 1: 3 Reps
Set 2: 10 Reps
Set 3: 3 Reps
Set 4: 10 Reps
Set 5: 3 Reps
Set 6: 10 Reps 

Part 2: Running Uphill

Every 2:00 minutes, Until Failure

200m Run

3* Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20” 

*Increase Burpee Box Jump Overs by 2 reps each round

Goal : 5-7 Rounds

Cap: 10 Rounds

L2: As prescribed
L3: Burpees

More To Explore

Saturday Partner WOD

Saturday Partner WOD Teams of 2 Part 1: AMRAP 12 Min, trade movements 200m run 20 V-Ups 10 DB S2OH 5 Dball squats 1 Rope


Friday Part 1: Weightlifting Every 2:00 minutes, 6 Sets 2 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk Starting @ 70% and increasing by feel